The pdf is from www.saberesafricanos.net
第一次了解到这份资料,是因为伯克利音乐学院学习爵士、即兴与音乐治疗时选的一门课:非裔离散美国人音乐史,感谢教课的教授Larry Waston让我接触到诸多被主流刻意雪藏的资讯(包括历史和人类学研究)。当年的课堂只有20个学生,来自世界各地。我觉得这些资讯需要让更多有识之士了解,所以在2022年设计FOREJAZZX音乐治疗基础课程时,也将这一资料作为课程素材,与学生分享和讨论;并且创作这篇blog文章分享给有缘人(塑造韭菜体质的必要条件-生理与心理的奴役与剥削)。
I first learned this material at the Music History of African American Diaspora, taught by Larry Waston. I was studing Jazz, Improvisation, and Music Therapy at Berklee College of Music. There were about 20 students in the class, from around the world. I feel more people need to learn about these information. Knowing the full history of the world helps us to decide how we want to live today and tomorrow.
Trigger warning: Before reading this material, it is advisable to find an emotional support system. The impact of this material may trigger strong emotions. When I was taking this course, in addition to discussing with classmates and friends, I also sought help from the school's counseling center to process and digest the impact.
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