A hand of organic arugula; some Soba Noodles; some sesame seeds or any nuts you like; a bag of jasmine tea; some plain cream cheese; a little soy milk for dressing.
This is my improvisation this morning for a fusion style breakfast! It is not only a FUSION of ingredients from Japan, China, and the United States but also a FUSION of cooking methods from these areas.
I put the soba noodles in the boiling water, which is normal. Then I put in a bag of jasmine tea in the boiling water, which was taking some risks to create something new. The idea of adding jasmine tea into noodles just popped up in my mind. The same goes for cream cheese and soy milk, simply because I happened to have some in my refrigerator. I put the arugula, filled in half of the bowl, waiting for the jasmine noodles be ready. Then I mixed the hot soba noodles with the arugula, nuts, cream cheese, and soy milk. It was warm and in a perfect balance.
Reflections: Before I could do this MORNING IMPROVISATION, I had already cooked and tasted those ingredients in their traditional (original) ways. I knew their unique favor and their characters. I could imagine how they would interact with each other and how they would smell and taste like together. I had a rehearsal in my mind. Meanwhile, I was taking some risks. How similar is it in comparison with playing music with other musicians, composing new music, and leading a band? Besides, our life is completely an improvisation, isn't it? I LOVE my improvisational life, which is always full of flowing, spontaneity, creativity, exploration, possibilities, and innovations! What're your RECIPES? Your ORIGINAL RECIPES of food, music, and your LIFE?