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Writer's pictureXingyu Yao, MT-BC

How to Cope with COVID19 Pandemic through Songwriting

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

The night of March 18, 2020, I was not able to fall asleep. So many thoughts and feelings were bubbling up.

I knew it was late. I knew I was supposed to go to bed at this time.

But I also knew, that ignoring and suppressing what was bubbling inside of me just to push myself to sleep was not healthy for the long haul.

At the same time, I realized that writing and talking to someone were not effective anymore.

So, I pulled out my guitar, sang and wrote the song. I decided to let music to hold me and support me.

At 4 am, March 19, the song was completed. I finally felt relaxed, satisfied, and fell asleep with fulfillment.

I let the song sit for a couple days. Let the melody humming in my mind whenever I needed it.

Then I recorded an acoustic version on March 22 with my iPad, simply me singing and playing the guitar.

It uplifts and comforts me.

Let me know what it does for you in the comment. Here are some prompts.

1. What stands out for you when you listen to this song and afterwards?

2. What is your takeaway from my story?

3. What are you doing to upgrade your self care during this global crisis?

Additional notes:

This is a traumatic event we are experiencing on a global and collective level.

How shall we handle it, so that it becomes a meaningful, empowering, and transformational experience?

What are the "during-traumatic growth" and post-traumatic growth you want to experience?

*Post-traumatic growth is defined as "experience of individuals whose development, at least in some areas has surpassed what was present before the struggle with crises occurred." It was developed by psychologists Richard Tedeschi, PhD, and Lawrence Calhoun, PhD, in the mid-1990s, and holds that people who endure psychological struggle following adversity can often see positive growth afterward

*During-traumatic growth is a word I created to describe the experience of potential positive development during a crisis, as we intentionally learn to deal with the crisis from a growth perspective.

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